The Blitz team arrives in Romeo City, seeking to pick up a new Zoid for Leena, replacing the Dibison that was totalled in the previous episode. Hers is a heavily customised Gunsniper, although Naomi (picking up her Gunsiper from the same shop) scoffs at it's ridiculously overloaded frame. Both teams, it is revealed, are heading to a Battle Royal in Temps Town the next day. However, before they leave the shop, a pair of Sinkers fly past and knocks in all the shop's windows. Naomi heads out take them on in her Gunsniper, while Brad borrows an anti-Zoid Rifle from the shopkeeper (Leena's Zoid isn't outfitted with a combat system yet, and the shopkeeper refuses to let them rent one of the others). Naomi takes out one Sinker, while Brad the other. The pilots are taken into custody, but the rest of the gang is informed about the warrior's intervention, and they swear revenge...